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Have you been told eggs will raise your cholesterol levels? Eggs are most definitely a nutritious whole food and an economical source of protein for a lot of households. Not to mention eggs offer a variety of nutrients and vitamins.

So where do eggs really sit in terms of nutritional value?

Eggs are not only an excellent source of protein and fat, but also consist of a whole host of essential vitamins and minerals.

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) Necessary for cell growth and fight damaging particles in the body.
Vitamin D Egg yolks are one of the few foods that contain naturally high amounts, essential for the maintenance of healthy bones and teeth.
Vitamin E Assists in maintaining good general health – including heart health, prevention of certain cancers, age related eye disorders and slows mental decline associated with ageing.
Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) Aids in breakdown of food especially fat to create energy and also helps in making vit D and red blood cells.
Vitamin B12 Creates red blood cells and DNA, repairing body tissue, and maintaining the healthy function of the immune and nervous systems.
Vitamin A Crucial for healthy skin, supporting immune function, maintaining good vision and promoting general reproductive health.
Iron Assists in oxygen transportation throughout the body.
Phosphorus Aids in upkeep of healthy bones and teeth, filtering waste and repairs muscle/ tissues.
Folate Essential for red blood cell growth, formation of DNA and maintenance of an effective immune system.
Iodine Helps your thyroid to produce hormones to regulate your body’s metabolic rate.
Selenium Antioxidant that helps prevent free radical damage to cells in the body.
Choline Important for brain development and function.

After that breakdown, the humble egg looks pretty great!

But what about the fats contained in eggs? Should you be worried about that, and what about everyone that takes out the Yoke?

Understanding the different types of cholesterol

Egg yolks are naturally high in cholesterol, and in contrast, the whites are mostly protein and very low in cholesterol. To better understand cholesterols in food we need to understand the basics about cholesterol first.

There are two types of cholesterol; the bad cholesterol (LDL), which is known to clog your blood vessels and good cholesterol (HDL), which clears this away by taking it to your liver, where it’s then flushed out of your body. Eggs consist of the good cholesterol HDL. LDL, the bad cholesterol is found in foods, high in trans and saturated fats such as cakes, biscuits, fried food, crisps, pies and processed meats (e.g., sausages/polony).

… are you still not sure??? 

So, for many years health practitioners, thought eggs and dietary cholesterol caused high blood cholesterol, which in return increased the chance of heart disease and stroke.  So in tune , many health organisations proposed a dietary restriction on eggs.  Nevertheless, over time and with better technology and enhanced research techniques, it’s NOW CONFIRMED that egg consumption in fact does not cause heart disease, but instead it is the quantities of saturated fat we consume that affects our heart health. Eggs actually consist of beneficial fats called, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, that have been found to decrease risks of heart diseases.

So, yay for eggs, now how to include them in your diet.

Recent studies propose healthy individuals have no limitations on the consumption of eggs. It is the foods consumed in combination with eggs, such as bacon, sausages and fried foods, or preparation of the eggs and other foods especially if fried in oil or butter that increase the risk of heart disease risk.

There are many healthy ways to cook eggs and enjoy their nutritional benefits.

      • Boiling
      • Poached
      • Fried
      • Baked
      • Scrambled
      • Omelette

Now that we have a better understanding of the type of cholesterol eggs contain and the benefits to our body, we can conclude that eggs are not the culprit of your increased cholesterol levels.

Keep the eggs, scramble them, skip the side of bacon and focus on a well-balanced diet, rich in fibre and stay active.

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