Label reading crash course

266 ZK

Do you ever get to the shops and feel overwhelmed by the choices? High fibre, Organic, wheat-free, Gluten-free, Sugar-free, No MSG… the list of health and nutrition claims goes on and on.

Our crash course will cover the below and more;

– Understand what to look for on food packaging when making a decision

– Understand how to verify the marketing on the packaging vs the back label.

– Be able to use the information on food packaging to make healthy and informed food choices.



Do you feel confused or frustrated while grocery shopping, not knowing what is healthy or unhealthy anymore?

You are not alone! We have developed a crash course to help you understand nutrition labels.

You will walk away knowing;

  • How to choose healthier foods with confidence
  • Which are sometimes food vs everyday foods
  • How to read a nutrition label
  • How to compare similar foods with a nutrition facts table in the correct context
  • What fancy marketing tricks are used to grab your attention, to make a purchase

Your video and resourse material will be shared via a link after your purchase has been made.